STEM in Year 6

Written by STEM Leader Eesha

For STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths, the Year 6 students were asked to make interactive posters about the life cycle of an animal. In groups of two or three, we followed a set of instructions to make our posters. They were created by recording each stage in an animal life and then using ‘makey makey’ alligator clips to connect to foil on our posters. We then had to create a set of coding steps on scratch so we just had to touch the foil to play our recordings.

Most groups faced challenges along the way, including technical difficulties while for others, being unable to record clearly because of background noise. No matter what it was, we just adjusted and made it work.

In the end, all the groups successfully made their interactive posters while learning a lot of new things about coding, presenting and their chosen animal life cycle.


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